Effective Training for the Enterprise

Everything you need to emPower your eLearning
- 100+ training modules
- Upload your own trainings in SCORM, Video or other formats
- Drag and drop, simulations to keep the learner engaged

- All modules have real world examples
- Case studies to engage learners
- Scenarios and simulations
- Attach training with a Quiz to test employees
- Create your own quiz in seconds
- Randomize questions to avoid guessing
All Features
Review performance, track progress and gain insight into training impact with reports, to-do lists and dashboards.
Create custom quizzes to benchmark knowledge retention and reinforce concepts with your learners.
Schedule emails to send them automatically to users to remind them for to complete the course/policies.
Access the LMS right from your website. Your look and feel, your logo and custom link.
Create custom reports that are auto delivered to each user’s email.
Add or schedule important news and updates about your organization. Turn your LMS into a bulletin board!
Supervisor, Admin, Group Head, Center Manager - you choose what access each user has.
You can upload your own courses (pdf, ppt, doc, SCORM formats) and attach them to custom quizzes.
Download emPower Course Catalog

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